Hydraulic Distribution Functions Script Examples#
Download the HydroDistribution.fez for this example.
Code Snippet: Manipulation of Hydraulic Distribution Functions#
from rs2.modeler import properties
from rs2.modeler.properties.PropertyEnums import *
from rs2.modeler.RS2Modeler import RS2Modeler
from rs2.modeler.properties import *
from rs2.interpreter.RS2Interpreter import RS2Interpreter
from rs2.interpreter.InterpreterEnums import *
import os, inspect
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(lambda: None)))
modeler = RS2Modeler(port=60093)
model_path = rf"{current_dir}\example_models\HydroDistribution.fez"
modeler_model = modeler.openFile(model_path)
material = modeler_model.getMaterialPropertyByName("Dense Sand")
function_name_1 = "Example Function 1"
function_name_2 = "Function 1 New Name"
variable_type = HydraulicVariableTypes.KS_FUNCTION
distribution_type = HydraulicDistributionTypes.MEAN_STRESS_DISTRIBUTION
modeler_model.createNewHydroDistributionFunction(variable_type, distribution_type, function_name_1)
function1 = modeler_model.getHydroDistributionFunctionByName(variable_type, distribution_type, function_name_1)
point_ks1 = [[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4], [0.5, 0.6]]
current_points = function1.getPointsParameter()
hydroDistribution = material.Hydraulic.HydroDistribution
hydroDistribution.setHydroDistribution(variable_type, distribution_type, function_name_1)
modeler_model.renameHydroDistributionFunction(variable_type, distribution_type, function_name_1, function_name_2)
current_function_name = hydroDistribution.getHydroDistributionFunctionName(variable_type)
print(f"The current function name of {variable_type} is {current_function_name}")
stage_1 = 1
definedStageFactors = material.StageFactors.getDefinedStageFactors()
newStageFactor_1 = material.StageFactors.createStageFactor(stage_1)
definedStageFactors[stage_1] = newStageFactor_1
hydroDistributionGroundwaterStageFactor_1 = material.Hydraulic.HydroDistribution.stageFactorInterface.getDefinedStageFactors()[stage_1]
hydroDistributionGroundwaterStageFactor_1.setHydroDistributionStagedFunction(variable_type, distribution_type, function_name_2)
hydroDistributionProp = hydroDistributionGroundwaterStageFactor_1.getHydroDistributionStagedFunction(variable_type)
print(f"The stage hydraulic distribution of {variable_type} at stage {stage_1} is {hydroDistributionProp.distribution_type}")
print(f"The stage hydraulic distribution function of {variable_type} at stage {stage_1} is {hydroDistributionProp.function_name}")
interpreter = RS2Interpreter(port=60094)
interpreter_model = interpreter.openFile(model_path)
points_making_line = [[-2, -1.5], [3, -1.5], [3, 2]]
lineID = interpreter_model.AddMaterialQuery(points=points_making_line)
first_stage = 1
last_stage = 4
for stageNum in range(first_stage, last_stage + 1):
print(f"\n\nStage {stageNum} Results\n")
for seepageType in seepageTypes:
results = interpreter_model.GetMaterialQueryResults()
mat_query_data = results[0]
print(f"\nSeepage Result Type = {seepageType}")
unique_ID = mat_query_data.GetUniqueIdentifier()
material_ID = mat_query_data.GetMaterialID()
print(f"\nQuery Unique ID = {unique_ID}, MaterialID = {material_ID}")
query_results = mat_query_data.GetAllValues()
for result in query_results:
x = result.GetXCoordinate()
y = result.GetYCoordinate()
distance = result.GetDistance()
value = result.GetValue()
print(f"X-Coord ={x}, Y-Coordinate = {y}, Distance = {distance}, Result Type Node Value = {value}")
constant_val = 0.1
constant_distribution_type = HydraulicDistributionTypes.CONSTANT_DISTRIBUTION
hydroDistribution.setHydroDistribution(variable_type, constant_distribution_type, constant_val)
current_distribution = hydroDistribution.getHydroDistribution(variable_type)
current_val = hydroDistribution.getHydroDistributionConstantVal(variable_type)
print(f"The current hydraulic distribution of {variable_type} is {current_distribution}")
print(f"The current hydraulic distribution value of {variable_type} is {current_val}")
modeler_model.deleteHydroDistributionFunction(variable_type, distribution_type, function_name_2)
Example Function 1
[[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4], [0.5, 0.6]]
The current function name of HydraulicVariableTypes.KS_FUNCTION is Function 1 New Name
The stage hydraulic distribution of HydraulicVariableTypes.KS_FUNCTION at stage 1 is HydraulicDistributionTypes.MEAN_STRESS_DISTRIBUTION
The stage hydraulic distribution function of HydraulicVariableTypes.KS_FUNCTION at stage 1 is Function 1 New Name
Stage 1 Results
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_HORIZONTAL_PERMEABILITY
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.2
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.2
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1e-07
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_VERTICAL_PERMEABILITY
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.2
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.2
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1e-07
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_PERM
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.2
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.2
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1e-07
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_WC
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.4
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.4
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 0.39999999999999997
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_WC_RES
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_CONDY
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 1.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 1.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1.0
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_ANGLE
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
Stage 2 Results
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_HORIZONTAL_PERMEABILITY
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1e-07
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_VERTICAL_PERMEABILITY
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1e-07
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_PERM
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1e-07
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_WC
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.4
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.4
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 0.39999999999999997
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_WC_RES
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_CONDY
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 1.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 1.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1.0
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_ANGLE
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
Stage 3 Results
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_HORIZONTAL_PERMEABILITY
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1e-07
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_VERTICAL_PERMEABILITY
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1e-07
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_PERM
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1e-07
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_WC
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.4
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.4
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 0.39999999999999997
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_WC_RES
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_CONDY
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 1.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 1.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1.0
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_ANGLE
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
Stage 4 Results
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_HORIZONTAL_PERMEABILITY
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1e-07
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_VERTICAL_PERMEABILITY
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1e-07
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_PERM
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.6
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1e-07
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_WC
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.4
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.4
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 0.39999999999999997
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_WC_RES
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_CONDY
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 1.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 1.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 1.0
Seepage Result Type = ExportResultType.SEEPAGE_SPATIAL_ANGLE
Query Unique ID = {6245B5E8-CF1E-4c2b-9B95-44E66942D5D9}, MaterialID = 2
X-Coord =-2.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 0.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = -1.5, Distance = 5.0, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
X-Coord =3.0, Y-Coordinate = 2.0, Distance = 8.5, Result Type Node Value = 0.0
The current hydraulic distribution of HydraulicVariableTypes.KS_FUNCTION is HydraulicDistributionTypes.CONSTANT_DISTRIBUTION
The current hydraulic distribution value of HydraulicVariableTypes.KS_FUNCTION is 0.1