
class, proxyId, propertyID, definedFactorClass, factorClass)#

Bases: ProxyObject, Generic[DefinedStageFactor, StageFactor]


Code Snippet: Manipulation of Stage Factors for various properties

getDefinedStageFactors() dict[int, DefinedStageFactor]#

Returns a map of stage factors. The key is the stage at which the stage factor is applied. The value is the stage factor object

getStageFactor(stage: int) StageFactor#

Returns the stage factor for the given stage.

createStageFactor(stage: int) DefinedStageFactor#

Creates a stage factor for the given stage.

NOTE: Invalidates any existing stage factor proxies. Get them again using getDefinedStageFactors or getStageFactor.

setDefinedStageFactors(stageFactors: dict[int, StageFactor])#

Sets the defined stage factors to those given.

NOTE: Invalidates any existing stage factor proxies. Get them again using getDefinedStageFactors or getStageFactor.